Tech Startup Analyzing Ag Data
What we noticed was that there is a gap between the amount of data that’s getting collected these days and how much data is getting analyzed.
He mentioned “Farmers do that through experience and intuition, but the problem is that when you have so much data, which is the story these days, there is a cap on the human brain and how much you can analyze.”
Grain Data Solutions uses data to make predictions. Data is fed into a machine-learning algorithm to be analyzed. The aim is to help farmers save costs and increase profit.
Grain Data Solutions works closely with farmers in terms of what they can learn from their data. To many of farmers nitrogen use and soil organic carbon are the most important priorities. Knowing what influences soil health would allow farmers to take advantage of the developing carbon and sustainability markets.
While many farmers have adopted ‘regenerative’ practices, they are frustrated that they are not being compensated for the results of those practices.
Farmers are frustrated that they had no say in the development of protocols within the carbon market. This will not be possible unless they would need to be able to show the amount of carbon they have sequestered over the years. Grain Data Solutions is working on a model to help farmers capitalize on those changes.
The post was continued with the input from one of Ontarian grain farmers and how Grain Data Solutions provided a nitrogen and carbon map for that farm.